
Fulfilling Clients’ Major Needs With Help from Settify

A soon-to-be-released report by our legal tech partners, Settify, has drawn on data from 10,911 family law clients to provide insight into their major priorities.

Settify powers the Watts McCray online induction process, which gives our clients instant, personalised information about the family law process, the issues in the client’s particular circumstances, and how we can help. It also collects the background information we need in order to commence working with clients in an efficient and effective way.

The report, which Watts McCray has received in advance, will reveal the results of a survey where clients were asked to rank their top priorities when engaging their family lawyers in terms of what is most important to them. They were also asked to rate whether the online induction process helped to satisfy those needs.

Here are the results, with the importance to clients represented as a leader board on the left, and clients’ appraisals of whether they agree that the online system met those needs on the right.

Fulfilling Clients’ Major Needs With Help from Settify – What the Results Are Telling Us

Fulfilling Clients’ Major Needs With Help from Settify The top-rated priority, with an average score of 4.48 out of 5 was the proposition “I want to understand the legal process I’m engaging in.” Clients overwhelmingly agreed or strongly agreed that the online induction system helped them to understand the legal process.

The online system achieved the highest proportion of clients ‘strongly agreeing’ that it made it quick and easy to start working with family lawyers.

Interestingly, clients highly rated the importance of receiving personalised service, and strongly agreed that the online intake system provided that kind of personalised assistance. That is likely due to the system’s complex conditional logic, which tailored responses and follow-up questions for clients, providing an individually tailored experience.

Our lawyers place special emphasis on client education in our initial conferences, so that clients really understand their position, know what to expect from the legal process, and can start thinking about the options available to them.

While Court hearing times can slow things down, we encourage amicable settlement via negotiated and mediated outcomes wherever possible.


To use our online system, and start working with us, please start here.


Settify’s full report will be released on this page on Wednesday 26 June.

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